Follow The River
stars Sheryl Lee as Mary Ingles, younger people will remember from playing Payton's mom Ellie on One Tree Hill but older ones will remember from Twin Peaks, she was Maddy/Laura Palmer. A pregnant Mary Ingles, her son, her sister and another male member of their village were kidnapped by Shawnee Indians. The head brave was Wildcat, played by Eric Schweig (from the movie Last of the Mohicans with Daniel Day Lewis). Wildcat became impressed with how strong Mary was during these times and he gave her special privileges. Eventually he wanted her to leave with him and he would take care of her and her children but Mary just wanted to get back to her husband Will. Mary ended up being separated from her children and she and another lady, played by Ellen Burstyn, decided to try to get back to their lives. For anyone that did enjoy Last of the Mohicans you will definitely enjoy this movie as well.Thicker Than Water
: stars Melissa Gilbert, everyone should remember her from Little House On The Praire and Lindsay Wagner, the Bionic Woman. Melissa Gilbert plays Natalie Jones an LA lawyer who's father, just passed away. She gets documents which tells her that he was previously married to rodeo queen, Maggie Mae. Natalie decides to go in search of any information she can about the woman and discovers Maggie had a daughter, Jess (Wagner). This is a very endearing family movie. It's made by Hallmark.
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